суббота, 24 января 2009 г.

Wimpy MP3 Player 5.0.16

Automatic streaming media for your WebSite
Wimpy MP3 Player lists and plays an entire directory full of MP3 files automatically.
Key Features:
* A web based podcast mp3 player for your website. Let Wimpy automatically play and generate your podcasst feed.
* Get full control over how your streaming mp3 player looks. Skin Machine allows you to design your own custom player.
* Use the online customizer tool to control functionality an incorporate the mp3 player into your site.
* Display SWF or JPG cover art for each track, per folder or for each playlist.
* Put a URL to a shopping cart item into the "comments" tag (ID3 or XML playlist ) to link the mp3 player to your shopping cart.
* JavaScript Integration
* XML Playlists
* MySQL Integration...





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